Calendar of Events
The Fresno CAN calendar of events will show information for upcoming resident meetings, outreach events, community meetings, community activations, community based-planning events, and more!

Neighborhood & Housing Committee Meeting
The Neighborhood Committee focuses on neighborhood improvements by identifying opportunities and strategies from previous planning efforts to improve the CAN neighborhood and identifying ways to align neighborhood priorities with City priorities that result in expanded and targeted investments in the neighborhood.
The Housing Committee focuses on the redevelopment of public housing sites, including the review and response to site plan concepts and alternatives regarding how to redevelop the public housing sites into mixed income communities.

People Committee Meeting
The People Committee focuses on supportive services for families, youth, and children living in the CAN area, including identifying opportunities and strategies to improve outcomes for employment, income and wealth creation, health and wellness, education, and other local needs.

CAN Committee Chairs Meeting
The Fresno CAN Committee Chairs (Neighborhood, Housing, and People Committees) to discuss the Choice Neighborhoods Initiative. See Joint Committee Meeting page for a summary of meeting notes!
Fresno Choice Neighborhoods: Stakeholders Convening
This virtual meeting will be a gathering of all Fresno Choice Neighborhood stakeholders, leaders, and committee participants, to orient the group on the Choice Neighborhood Initiative planning process, timeline, deliverables, roles, etc.

Choice Neighborhood Planning - Committee Leads Convening
This virtual meeting will be a gathering of Fresno Choice Neighborhood Committee Leads to orient the group on the Choice Neighborhood Initiative planning process, timeline, deliverables, roles, etc.