Data for days!

Fresno CAN Resident Surveys (June-August 2021)


One of the first steps in the Fresno CAN Transformation Plan process is the Resident Surveys with heads-of-household in the Fairview and Sierra Plaza housing sites. The California Avenue Neighborhood needs resident input to learn what changes are needed and how we can make the neighborhood a better place to live and work! The Resident Surveys will be administered by Fresno Housing staff in person through meaningful conversations (offered in English, Spanish, and Hmong), at events, open houses, and door-to-door outreach. Each household that completes the survey will receive a complimentary gift card!

The information and data collected will help to inform the planning process and project goals in the CAN neighborhood. All findings will be shared with residents, committee members and community members and shown on the project website. Stay tuned for more information and survey events!