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Affinity Group Focus Group Day

Focus groups are commonly used to conduct stakeholder analyses during community planning processes. This day of focus groups will be structured as affinity groups and will examine 1) how residents perceive current land use and housing dynamics, 2) resident notions of a dignified quality of life, and 3) the necessary interventions that would keep current residents living sustainably in the project area. Residents will also have an opportunity to share their oral histories regarding the legacy of the CAN community. 

This event is one in a series of engagement activations designed get to the heart of a dignity-infused, resident-centered experience. The core desired outcomes among all the activations are to activate people to self-determine how they’d like to grow their environments/communities and to spark new ideas and action-oriented civic engagement and ways of being.

January 8

Community Design Lab for Formerly Incarcerated Residents

January 16

Interfaith Focus Group Day